Typical Duties of Welding Inspector Before welding

Duties before welding:

  1. Material
  2. Piping rack
    Ensure material:
    • In accordance with drawing/WPS.
    • Identified and can be traced to a test certificate.
    • In suitable condition (free from damage and contamination).

  3. WPSs
  4. WPS
    Ensure WPSs approved and available to welders (and inspectors).

  5. Welding equipment
  6. welding equipment
    Ensure Welding equipment in suitable condition and calibrated as appropriate.

  7. Weld preparations
  8. engineering drawing
    Ensure Welding preparations in accordance with WPS (and/or drawings).

  9. Welder qualifications
  10. welder test
    Ensure Welding qualifications:
    • Identification of welders qualified for each WPS to be used.
    • All welder qualification certificates are valid (in date).

  11. Welding consumables
  12. electrode
    Ensure those to be used are as specified by the WPSs, are stored/controlled as specified by the QC procedure.

  13. Joint fit-ups
  14. pipe to elbow
    Ensure Joint fit-ups in accordance with WPS/drawings tack welds are to good workmanship standard and to code/WPS.

  15. Weld faces
  16. preparation pipe face
    Ensure Weld faces free from defects, contamination and damage.

  17. Preheat (if required)
  18. Preheat
    Ensure Preheat minimum temperature is in accordance with WPS.
Typical Duties of Welding Inspector Before welding Typical Duties of Welding Inspector Before welding Reviewed by belajar koor on 5:06 PM Rating: 5

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